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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thing 7

If comments were not a vital part of technology and Blogs, I would have no reason to click on my open Facebook tab just seconds ago to post on the wall of a friend! Comments are the "rivers of living water" on the internet. This is what drives all social networking. Dialog, communication, and debates have pushed us into the 21st Century to become smarter, more efficient, and productive members of society. So why would blogging be any different? All types of comments are necessary as well. It's what causes us to think and question ourselves and what we stand for or against. I recently lost a friend in a tragic way. It was on the news and I obsessively read every blog and article regarding her death. The most powerful part of these sites were the blogs. It was so interesting to me to see the thoughts of the general public about a situation they knew nothing about. Some of the comments showed wisdom while others were sensitive and empathetic. There were also those who posed questions I had yet to think about. It has been an enlightening experience.

As for posting comments, I interact with the writer on a more personal level when I respond to what they have written. I believe they will read what I have posted which drives me to encourage the continuous writings of the authors I support. I also value the opinions I disagree with. These moments are opportunities for me to express my thoughts and allow a counter-thought to come back to me from a total stranger in a professional way. Now, I know professional responses are not always given by all parties involved, but the delete option works wonders!

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