You can imagine how I felt when I saw our own principal standing with my son on the cover of this magazine! Talk about an answer to prayer! LOL! I know, I know. This is silly. But is it? This is so much fun. My aunt and uncle paid LOTS of money 20 years ago to have my cousin put on a magazine cover. It's been around for years and definitely an enjoyable novelty for tourists, etc. Having this tool at your fingertips can be a blessing to our students to give them more opportunities to explore and learn through discovery and FUN! To create one yourself, go to this comic strip generator site, upload our photo, and choose the fake magazine cover option.

The trading card is a classic love for many students! Allowing them to create their own using famous people in certain areas of history would be so much fun! After researching different key people in history, these would make great culminating activities. It was simple to create and produces a simple product.
I do want to warn you. When I went to the website to create the magazine, there was a chat room available at the bottom of the screen. Unfortunately, they were not chatting about anything appropriate. I am sure this site is blocked within our district.
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