Wiki-Wiki! I wish I could be as quick and simple as a Wiki! I do love the idea of a wiki and have used them with students. They are absolutely amazing products. Reviewing other wikis and seeing actual implementations The gowest wiki integrated other great resources such as graphic organization software and authentic drawings from the students. The pages were varied in design and it seems like the kids were given great parameters with some creative freedom! Organizationally, the wiki was extremely efficient! I am amazed at the size of the flat classroom project wiki. This wiki is a little overwhelming. Granted, it's been around since 2006, the Ning is also massive as well. It reminds me of my church that started with just 7 families in a bait shop and now has 4 satellite campuses that have branched off of the main site! This site is also well organized. It is even broken down into categories for students, teachers, and information regarding the project. This wiki truly represents what can be done by many.I was unable to view some of the videos because my home internet runs too slow lately! They call it high speed, but it's the lower-end high speed! Overall, this site is exciting and fun. It shows how small our world can be!
How cute to be 5 and creating a wiki! As a former Kindergarten teacher, any wiki with the word Kindergarten draws me in. I am always so impressed by teachers of younger students who take the time. It amazes me to see them learn it once and be able to teach it to others on the second try! This site is just adorable. The greatest downfall: ADS! It has so many ads that I worry about what the kids may see viewing this at home. This type of wiki would most likely be blocked in my district.
I read several of the choice wikis we were given to review. I loved the ideas behind them-the thousands project, interviewing parents and grandparents about school, and kids opening their own medical clinic. I would love to have a wiki set up for my campuses! I have one started, but like many men, I never finished or followed through with the project. My goal for 2010-2011 is to bring my campuses together in a forum-the Wiki. It's named Collaboration Hut in honor of the Hawaiian word wiki! I know the technology on campuses is available to all who would like to use it and they could do so much more than they allow themselves! brain is going! I am so excited!
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