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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thing 2: Thoughts about Web 2.0

How could we use these tools from Warlick's article? Wow! In the classroom and among an entire campuses, the world CAN change. When I was a kid, we just wanted world peace and hunger to stop. We watched TV and played early versions of Pac Man, played outside, and talked to our neighbors live. Reading the article alone is enough to wrap your head around. What comes to mind to me is all of the training the teachers have had to step out of their box and step into Web 2.0. I get discouraged because I think I can't make that happen. However, I did think of what I CAN do. Model. I don't have these things set up among campuses for those who desire to grow technologically. I SHOULD! I NEED to. If I don't step out and apply it among teachers, how will I get teachers to implement these things in their classroom. Besides, it's easier to sell something after you have already purchased it!

I feel like a broken record. Wait, do you even know what a record is? They are the vinyl "discs" used way back in the olden days record players. The record spins around on the turntable as a needle is placed in the ridges on the record to produce sound. Anyway, I digress. I know that children are living in a digital age. Most students have never even opened an encyclopedia. They use the internet for everything! It's our world and I love the videos on you tube that were presented in this class! Engage me. I want to continue to push and be pushed into the digital age until I grow out of it or die!


Debbie said...

YOu are so young!! I bet you don't even remember dial-up! hA HA
Looking forward to learning from and with you in this class!

My Viewpoint said...

This is the problem. Many educators now feel that using technology is "scary" to them. They must step out of their comfort zone in order to apply knowledge to their children in ways that engage them. We are used to looking in books for answers to things where as these children are used to searching the internet to find it!

lwdlbrn said...

Well one thing is for sure, your blogs will definitely make me laugh (O: I look forward to your posts, and seeing how you will model these "Things" for your teachers. Have fun!!!!

Ashlee said...

Well, one of those teachers you are training, I think taking this class is the push I needed to "get with it!" :-) I am motivated. I am inspired. My plan is to have my fifth graders participate in my blog next year. I am learning so much and I cannot wait to share that knowledge with them! So, you'll be available if I need help next year, right??? :-D